It’s a story of two mainstays of Irish electronic music and about a cooperation expected to happen. Sunil Sharpe is foremostly known as the boss of Earwiggle, an imprint for techno’s harder side, and his own infrequent releases have found a home at Works The Long Nights and Black Sun.
Trensmat is an exciting label of experimental electronics, which has recently peeked into the realms of techno. Leaving aside the countryman aspect, it may well be that Whirling Hall Of Knives and The 15 Dead Minutes, the groups recently seen on both labels, were the decisive forces to link Sharpe to Trensmat.
What came out is largely explained with oppressive kicks and monotonous machine roar in “Jamm 1”, where the double M in the title is well justified. Dark undertones do not exclude the groove factor that is present across the EP, in a painful manner also in “Eyebrow” that crawls on scrubby surface with pneumatic synth noise echoing in the background.
Getting some “Stitches” means dancing with the ghosts of electropunk in area governed by a muttering warlord and in an attempt to try out techno’s lighter shade, “Late Drift” stubbornly sticks to bruised drum patterns. Of recent Trensmat releases, this one aims most explicitly at the floor.