About fifteen years after the premiere of “Star Wars”, Underground Resistance conceived an EP that could belong to the soundtrack of the space opus. Already the visual side makes a connection when the typeset of the record’s center label reminds of the movie’s opening titles. Speaking of sound, “The FinalRead More →

In 2023, a few successes have been recorded in the archeological search for pioneering electronic artists. One of them expands our understanding of geographical origins of the sound. Namely “The NID Tapes: Electronic Music from India 1969-1972”, a recovery by Paul Purgas (Emptyset) from the archives of the National InstituteRead More →

In 2021, the first edition of “Next Wave Acid Punx” came out. Published by Eskimo Recordings, which is the dance department of N.E.W.S., the US-born artist Curses from Berlin presented dozens of tracks from the synth/EBM archives and exclusives from our days. Similarly, the ‘part deux’ follows its trails, asRead More →

After forty years in action, R&S Records has remained young at heart and keenly explores diverse sounds under the electronic umbrella. For the 40th anniversary, the label once set up by Renaat and Sabine in Ghent, and now managed from London, reignites the legendary “In Order To Dance” series, whichRead More →

Belgium’s longstanding rave platform USA Import jumps on the reissue train and presents “Initial Gain” that was originally released in 1991, shortly before Liza N’Eliaz (1958–2001) turned to hardcore and became ‘The Queen of Terror’. Thus, the EP’s originals describe the electronic music’s transition from new beat to acid houseRead More →

Mike Dearborn hails from the birthplace of house and debuted on Muzique Records in 1991. Soon he landed on Djax-Up-Beats, along with several other Chicago producers, and become a regular contributor to the label’s catalogue. Dearborn had a vital role in shaping the sound of Djax, with tracks like “Razorsharp”,Read More →

If the name Olivier Abbeloos doesn’t ring any bell, T99 and Quadrophonia certainly do. Especially if you remember the emergence of European techno many decades ago, when Abbeloos co-produced party bombs “Anasthasia” and “Quadrophonia”, respectively. With the fellow producer and promoter Analog Devices, the two seasoned players are full ofRead More →

Woody McBride’s label empire Communique is reporting back with a number reissues. Having started with my long-time wantlist member “Lovers” by Modal, excellent house reductions from 1996 on Sounds. label, the spotlight turned to the label head’s classic “Basketball Heroes”. Also seeing the daylight are two releases by Timeblind, aRead More →