Night riders are are forming an unbreakable alliance, to welcome the new digital EP by Kmyle. The title track accesses all areas with machine driven hypnosis, the bass harmoniously working with multiple sturdy layers. Without falling too deep into proto-Goa excesses, big room flavor arrives with “Transversalis”, which turns outRead More →

Alumnus of the coveted Further Recordings (“Spirals”), the Australian Mosam Howieson has now landed on Semantica. The digital full-length reminds that the label from Madrid is not solely a supplier of techno trips, but once a while releases well-chosen tranquilizing sessions. “Ether” is an enjoyable work through various moods inRead More →

In 2023, Taavi Tulev introduced his new album “Äike / Thunder” in Tallinn’s coveted record shop Biit. For the LP, Tulev had collected field recordings of two thunderstorms in August 2017, which sounded both extravagant and hazardous. After such nature-bound minimalism, the Estonian artist now takes the next ride under theRead More →

It’s difficult to slip away from any release where Scan 7 is involved. Especially when the Detroit collective is seriously in the business. Last year, they launched own imprint SCAN with an update of the 2012 “Resistance”, including a striking remix by Underground Resistance. For the label’s second instalment, theyRead More →

About fifteen years after the premiere of “Star Wars”, Underground Resistance conceived an EP that could belong to the soundtrack of the space opus. Already the visual side makes a connection when the typeset of the record’s center label reminds of the movie’s opening titles. Speaking of sound, “The FinalRead More →