Noisy synth and drone spillage from Berlin’s famed and feared 3TH Records that launch a cassette series with a release split between the ‘newcomer’ CSA (aka Ascion) and Lucindo. The A-side’s most intense moments come with CSA’s kick drum rush “eXeNTeSICUL” and dissonant mad man’s therapy “Devid S. Mystic Shower”, the rest being lost in the dark ambient maze.
On the B-side, Lucindo is driven by caveman instincts and opens with crusty bassline in “Neandershöhle”. For tearing up the floor, full-ahead fare “Club” is included, but there’s also strong appeal in short synth bursts “Undercave” and “Prehistoric Ritual”, before the termination arrives with “Savage Burial”.
Points: 7 of 10
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