Madagascar, a remote island in warm oceanic waters where aye-ayes are cozily hiding in tree branches. It might be a perfect setting for a “Chill Out in the Paradise” soundtrack but Tuomas Rantanen, a student of philosophy from Tampere, Finland, believes in the opposite, in hidden magic and darker undercurrents.Read More →

Italian SNTS imprint taps into the saturated market of droning techno with another anonymous release to supply dark moments to the floor. Despite of several genre tropes “Chapter III” will find a place in respective DJ bags. Starting  in “S7” with atmospheric loops and distant hum which reminds of recent Abdulla Rashim,Read More →

Nordic craftsmanship on the A-side of the Semantica’s fifth Nonnative release. For the start deep bass expert Juho Kusti from Helsinki narrates about “Twin Oaks”, throwing in sprawling dubs of Helical Scan standard and advancing confidently with swinging synth sequences, only distracted by deliberate cacophony at the mid-track.Hailing from the cellars ofRead More →