In 1971 Dieter Moebius, Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Conrad Plank shocked the schlager nation with an utterly experimental piece of music called “Cluster”. It was the debut of the group of the same name and an important milestone of the pre-Kraftwerk era.Difficult to believe this three-track album of pulsating drones andRead More →

Man spricht viel über die Rolle Berlins in der Wende und beim Mauerfall. Als Hauptstadt Deutschlands ist es touristisch bestimmt ein interessantes Ziel, aber das ist nicht der Hauptgrund, warum die Spreemetropole auch kulturell eine besondere Stellung einnimmt. Für die progressive Jugend der Welt bedeutet Berlin in erster Linie TresorRead More →

For listening “Heliograms” living room is the minimum requirement because the album aims to the spheres well above the clouds, even higher than the normal cruise altitude. Crystal clear skies would be a perfect setting for a sacral experience with the music of Jean Piché. Especially the first composition, “Ange”,Read More →

Found among old flyers a 1996 issue of Energy Flash, a lo-fi zine from Detroit. It invited readers for a Q&A session with Drexciya before the release of UR-037, “The Return Of Drexciya”. So anything you wanted to know about the aquatic electro act, or maybe not …Read More →