Since the vinyl debut „Progress Chance” on Digitalis two years ago, Ricardo Donoso has been the label’s highly acclaimed artist and now the Brazilian returns with the newest contribution “As Iron Sharpens Iron, One Verse Sharpens Another”, which is a staggering mix of fragile layers, flaming arpeggios and shuddering bass.Read More →

When I was reading “Der Klang der Familie”, a book about the foundations of techno and party scene in Berlin, it was the right time to recall some classics from the beginning of the 1990s. MFS, an acronym for Masterminded For Success, was an influential label back then, specialising onRead More →

In the beginning of 1990’s Bruno Sanchioni and Giuseppe Chierchia filled global dancefloors with the captivating trance hymn called “Age of Love”, produced under the self-titled moniker. The number of different releases, reissues and remixes of this single competes already with some songs of The Beatles. The inaugural release ofRead More →

Raoul K, hailing from Côte d’Ivoire and Hamburg, presents a new gem of his (sub-)label. While Baobab’s first, “Le Cercle Peul” from 2008, was a smooth and unpretentious tribal house then especially the A-side of current outing is a fierce voodoo. More industrial than house, reminding of Jamal Moss’s rougherRead More →

A release from 1996 that feels like having baptised the Transmat sublabel – two fragile, extended sound excursions that hover between ambient and trance. In fact, it’s pure and deep chord-driven Detroit techno with dub motives, like we know from John Beltran or Aril Brikha. With only one difference: drumRead More →