Man spricht viel über die Rolle Berlins in der Wende und beim Mauerfall. Als Hauptstadt Deutschlands ist es touristisch bestimmt ein interessantes Ziel, aber das ist nicht der Hauptgrund, warum die Spreemetropole auch kulturell eine besondere Stellung einnimmt. Für die progressive Jugend der Welt bedeutet Berlin in erster Linie TresorRead More →

When I was reading “Der Klang der Familie”, a book about the foundations of techno and party scene in Berlin, it was the right time to recall some classics from the beginning of the 1990s. MFS, an acronym for Masterminded For Success, was an influential label back then, specialising onRead More →

Gagarin Kongress was an one-off project by Edgar Domin and Udo Heitfeld, the latter also known as TV Victor. It was Tresor’s “Sirius” compilation where I found the original of the 1995 track “Astralleib”, a polyrhythmic angular piece positioned between the main floor and leftfield. But the real revelation came whenRead More →

In Berlin, Kurfürstendamm and Unter den Linden are must-go place in any travel guide, attracting the tourists visiting the city. Those seeking a different face of Berlin end up in Kreuzberg, a multicultural and bohemian district that is home of many record shops. When getting out at Kottbusser Tor underground stationRead More →

Repetitio est mater studiorum, repetition is the mother of learning. The introductory lesson lasts 10 minutes 46 seconds and is titled “130509”. A blunt, even too blunt loop keeps going like Du**cell bunny, only the whole experience is not as soft and furry. It’s self-confident, sterile techno that advances inRead More →

Honestly, it’s a serious contender for the best release in 2010. Torsten Pröfrock, ein Berliner and Hard Wax associate, goes in the footsteps of great explorers like Captain Cook or Sir Livingstone, not being afraid of blazing new trails. “Wireless” is a hybrid of varied percussions and distorted sound snippets,Read More →

The snowbanks outside provide a good inspiration to compare the Cheap And Deep Productions twelve with an avalanche. It’s as powerful and overwhelming but, unlike the unharnessed power of nature, this experience is taking you over in slower motion – till you find yourself buried under it. The first, theRead More →