Rating: 7/10 Some good ones on this Groove compilation. Let’s start with a Mexican who loves machines and combines them with traditional instruments: like a godchild of Liaisons Dangereuses, Rebolledo rocks big time in “Steady Gear Rebo Machine” with monotone percussion – a pretty angry track that makes curious aboutRead More →

A classic that perfectly represents Underground Resistance’s sound aesthetics from the mid-1990s. In the label’s catalog it might look a bit underrated, but in fact offers three tracks of pure excellence by Andre Holland aka The Infiltrator. For the start comes meditative electro in “City Of Fear”, themed for a situationRead More →

Rating: 10/10 What I see on the label are the portholes of a flying saucer. What I hear is a stratospheric soundtrack, on the third release of the Aquaplano Ltd series. After droning and hollow techno journeys by Nuel and Mike Parker, it’s again the Italian Manuel Fogliata who, insteadRead More →

Rating: 7/10 When browsing new arrivals at Hard Wax, a black sleeve sporting yellow writing KILLEKILL did not remain unnoticed. And created some irritation, leading in first place to a question: What’s in this criminal kind of name? WWW helped out that it’s an organization throwing parties in Berlin andRead More →