A drop-dead serious session by Rohr and Schoenemann, and by their remixing friends. It’s music of November, sounding like the moments when you have stayed inside and hear whirlwind trying to unroof your den. And the weather forecast tells it will not be any better.The original is a creeping andRead More →

Back off, keep off – this bunch has to be isolated from the society because it’s not music. It’s terror. And it’s error. V/Vm is like 100-watt light bulb that attracts all kinds of weird insects. Purgatorian parasites and bugs gone berserk crash your ear canals and paint their graffitisRead More →

For this occasion Danny Wolfers AKA Legowelt is king of the jungle, under the Nacho Patrol moniker. Dutchman’s fantasy in inventing cool artist names is boundless. More impressive is his ability to control all the music machines and produce tracks that are retro-sounding and contemporary same time. As Nacho PatrolRead More →

Kaks ketast täidetuna tehnoveterani, kuid viimasel ajal eksperimenteeriva ning biitidega mängiva Neil Landstrummi toodanguga. Plaadi nimi lubab oodata kummardust “Planet Rockiga” elektro ajalukku vajutunud Afrika Bambaataale, kuid tegelikkus on midagi muud. Rütmid kargavad siia-sinna, meenutades kohati Electronicati ja big beati artiste. B-poole esimene “How do you feel” sisaldab kõiki koostisaineid,Read More →