Deep respect is due when encountering the works of late James Stinson, an acclaimed personality in the evolution of (Detroit) electro. Abandoning our world far too early, Stinson left behind a vast legacy, of which Tresor Records reopens another chapter. “The Opening Of The Cerebral Gate” under the Transllusion guiseRead More →

Actually, it was “Ultraviolence”, Lana Del Rey’s album that triggered current post. The American lady singer is obviously light-years away from doom metal and even hardcore techno, which had never been the case for Nottingham-based Earache Records, once a home label for Napalm Death. Somewhat surprisingly Earache went hardcore inRead More →

[This post in Estonian only, about the mid-1990s electronic music scene in Estonia as featured in KUUM magazine in the summer of 1995.] Becki miniposter ja Mr Lawrence’i või Vennaskonna feature oli väärt lugemine, kuid ajakirja KUUM 1995. aasta suvenumbrist jäi kõigepealt silma Siim Nestori ülevaade Liivimaa elektroonikast. Jutuks Neuron Phase,Read More →

When interviewed by the Tea And Techno blog, Zhark Recordings co-founder Kareem reflected upon the twists and turns of the label, saying the seventh release opened an entirely new direction. “After Zhark07 people started shaking their heads”, because the EP’s sound did not follow the label’s minimalistic Detroit approach. The culprit forRead More →

Good news from Chicago when Stilove4music, an offshoot of the city’s own Still Music, has decided to unearth a few gems from the golden era of acid house. Essentially it’s a Chris “Bam Bam”‘s Westbrook EP with one exception: The opener comes from late Armando Gallop whose “Land Of Confusion”Read More →