This record is just screaming out loud: welcome to Bela Lugosi disco. The horror screen hero himself makes a posthumous appearance in “Galadiner With Boris The Vampyr”, in a track from the extreme end of the album, which is full of filthy EBM and industrial with mashed voices and vocals. LugosiRead More →

A classic that perfectly represents Underground Resistance’s sound aesthetics from the mid-1990s. In the label’s catalog it might look a bit underrated, but in fact offers three tracks of pure excellence by Andre Holland aka The Infiltrator. For the start comes meditative electro in “City Of Fear”, themed for a situationRead More →

Gagarin Kongress was an one-off project by Edgar Domin and Udo Heitfeld, the latter also known as TV Victor. It was Tresor’s “Sirius” compilation where I found the original of the 1995 track “Astralleib”, a polyrhythmic angular piece positioned between the main floor and leftfield. But the real revelation came whenRead More →