Gagarin Kongress was an one-off project by Edgar Domin and Udo Heitfeld, the latter also known as TV Victor. It was Tresor’s “Sirius” compilation where I found the original of the 1995 track “Astralleib”, a polyrhythmic angular piece positioned between the main floor and leftfield. But the real revelation came whenRead More →

Honestly, it’s a serious contender for the best release in 2010. Torsten Pröfrock, ein Berliner and Hard Wax associate, goes in the footsteps of great explorers like Captain Cook or Sir Livingstone, not being afraid of blazing new trails. “Wireless” is a hybrid of varied percussions and distorted sound snippets,Read More →

Skulls at large again. Planet Core Productions’ (PCP) hardcore machinery plays with breakbeats but manages to create even darker and gloomier atmosphere than in their usual kickdrum-infected rave monsters. The tracks do not suffer under self-imposed speed limit and relative slowness makes them even harder. “Black Blood” is massive: startsRead More →