Estonia, land of music. Modern composer Arvo Pärt was born here, in a small town called Paide, and every five years a monumental Song Festival gathers 30,000 performers and 150,000 paying spectators for a celebration of music – in a country with less than 1.4 million people. First house andRead More →

Raoul K, hailing from Côte d’Ivoire and Hamburg, presents a new gem of his (sub-)label. While Baobab’s first, “Le Cercle Peul” from 2008, was a smooth and unpretentious tribal house then especially the A-side of current outing is a fierce voodoo. More industrial than house, reminding of Jamal Moss’s rougherRead More →

MCDE on nagu peibutusalias, et Motor City saundi fännid märkaksid artisti mp3- või plaadikuhilas. Kraam on aga aus, liikudes malbe, kuid samas hüpnootilise deep house‘i radadel. “Sun Sequence’i” loop ketrab hoolega ning hoiab tempot. “Feel The Love” on lausa müstiliselt mõnus oma manipuleeritud vokaalsämplite ja diskreetsete rütmipassaažidega. Pealtnäha vaoshoitud tempos,Read More →