The last days of December 20 years ago were spent in great anticipation of the Millennium Bug. The darkest plots saw the future of the (wo)mankind endangered, if the computers would have flipped out. Luckily, hardly anything of these predictions materialised and doomsday scenarios were postponed. Which means that 20Read More →

A special of digital-only electro releases that all would deserve a crowdfunding campaign, for being pressed in heavy wax. ***** Any Act – Гражданский Акт EP (Any Act self-released – 2o19) Seismic tremors from Russia, a manifest of civil society by the means of bass and breaks from a (soRead More →

Legowelt’s recent stunt to offer free download of his album “Teac Life” seemed a compliment to his long-standing fans. It was as unexpected as was subsequent news of the same album being pressed on quadruple vinyl, seeming a silly kind of luxury after the content was, and still is, sharedRead More →

When I incidentally started the back in 2006, just to share my impressions on great electronic and club music I come across, then it was mainly writing for myself. Now I try to produce a brief review about any piece of music I obtain and sometimes pick up gemsRead More →

Etnomaiguline klõbistamine, mis kannab endast lisaks tribalile ka dub house‘i meeleolusid. Original ja club mix on ühesuguses võtmes, viimane neist natuke hoogsam ja mitmekihilisem. Plaadi taga on Raoul K-nimeline tegelane, kellele langeb au tuua massidesse uue, Berliinist pärit leibeli Baobab Music esimene teos. Sobib klubis hingetõmbepassaažideks, sümpaatne ning kergelt suvine.Read More →

Rick Wade, kusagilt Detroidi ja Chicago vahepealt ja seda on kuulda. A-poole avalugu (“Lo Starts”) meisterdades võis Wade seada eesmärgiks luua maailma kõige tavalisema hausipala ning see tal ka õnnestus. “Theory of Varice” toob mängu souli ja jazzi, taustal pehmed bongod ning törts juhuslikku saksofoni. “World Voice” sarnaneb oma lõõgastunudRead More →