I don’t have any idea what kind of offices does the label Delsin have, but can imagine a brass coated plate at their doorsteps saying “Detroit consulate in Amsterdam”. Also Ann Aimee, Delsin’s department for more intellectual output shares the values of the mother “company”.The newest by Delta Funktionen inclinesRead More →

Repetitio est mater studiorum, repetition is the mother of learning. The introductory lesson lasts 10 minutes 46 seconds and is titled “130509”. A blunt, even too blunt loop keeps going like Du**cell bunny, only the whole experience is not as soft and furry. It’s self-confident, sterile techno that advances inRead More →

Enron would never have been collapsed if only the auditors would have been as precise as Silent Servant, the artist behind untitled opening tracks on both sides. Linear and controlled techno that sticks to hypnotic repetition but refrains from glass-shattering kickdrum assaults. It belongs to the same league of ozonizedRead More →