If a composition called “Rainbow Sequence” opens the album titled “Soft Terminal”, it heralds tranquilizing moments and coziness. Having heard only occasional samples from Panabrite’s previous work, the new album by Norm Chambers gives a clear proof of his craftsmanship and lets to perceive the lightness of the sound. EightRead More →

Rating: 9/10 Det är lite konstigt that after a couple more or less experimental releases by Perispirit, Nova Scotian Arms and KPLR, Digitalis seems to have inaugurated a discodrome in Tulsa to welcome a special guest from Europe. Compared with aforementioned albums, “Muzika Electronic” sounds like a dance record. Almost,Read More →

Rating: 9/10 It happened on 6 July 2011 when the edition of 50 copies was sold in a couple of hours, after tweeted by Blackest Ever Black. Meticulously handcrafted, good-smelling cardboard package was shipped to several countries of the world, hopefully not to be confiscated by customs. The surround soundRead More →