Acidbanger, yes it is. The opener of Dez Williams’s recent twelve that launched Killekill’s new Vanta Series is a 303-based onslaught with ripples of human voice and biting synth squeaks that promise floor domination. The next track “Hornet Tea” is equally caustic with tidal waves caused by drilling groove while “Offonone” is howlingRead More →

Fragrances, jeans, alcohol, a selection of hit CDs and suddenly, “The Techno Sound Of Berlin (Berlin 1992 – Tresor Kompilation)” – it was my first, unexpected meeting with release. It happened in 1992 at Amerest, an upmarket store in the university city of Tartu that opened in the dawn of market economy inRead More →

Minneapolis-born Freddie (Freddy) Fresh was in full swing throughout the 1990s and later, with a massive run of (acid) techno and electro tracks that were released under various guises on labels ranging from Harthouse to Missile. In recent times we have heard less about Fresh – a smoking collab with fellow Midwesterner Paul Birken liesRead More →

Klankman’s opening statement appeared in 2014 when Maarten Epskamp joined the ranks of The Hague’s legendary label Bunker. After the debut and the following EP on Tar Hallow, Klankman moves ahead on the road to the heart of rough acid scene, with a release on the Milan label Details Sound, run and founded byRead More →