Andrew Morgan’s Peoples Potential Unlimited introduces another hidden talent. Max E. Monroe, the man behind The Trash Company, started composing in 1970’s and is only now preparing his first album for Steady Sounds. Before that, a single works as an appetizer. The A-side of the wide-hole seven-inch suggests to wearRead More →

Nine tracks of unknown origin. The artist called DU71 is not eager to reveal anything, except stating that nothing is more and nothing is less. Seemingly a statement in favor of minimalism, which is expressed by techno language in the digital-only album issued on Archetypes Records. Darker undertones and deepRead More →

Man spricht viel über die Rolle Berlins in der Wende und beim Mauerfall. Als Hauptstadt Deutschlands ist es touristisch bestimmt ein interessantes Ziel, aber das ist nicht der Hauptgrund, warum die Spreemetropole auch kulturell eine besondere Stellung einnimmt. Für die progressive Jugend der Welt bedeutet Berlin in erster Linie TresorRead More →

Thrilling anticipation every time when Terrence Dixon announces new releases, which are rarely disappointing by the artist I’m keenly following. While not seeking broad publicity, Dixon is among Detroit producers of trust and has got talent to provide techno masterpieces. Introducing Chronicle, a new sub-unit of the US label Thema,Read More →