The snowbanks outside provide a good inspiration to compare the Cheap And Deep Productions twelve with an avalanche. It’s as powerful and overwhelming but, unlike the unharnessed power of nature, this experience is taking you over in slower motion – till you find yourself buried under it. The first, theRead More →

Chicago v. 2.0 – this label of Poindexter and Moss carries proudly the flame that was lit in the 80’s in Windy City, and they excel both in yield and quality. Current compilation has again picked up various musical influences and starts with Sir KaTie and “Shout” that speaks toRead More →

For this occasion Danny Wolfers AKA Legowelt is king of the jungle, under the Nacho Patrol moniker. Dutchman’s fantasy in inventing cool artist names is boundless. More impressive is his ability to control all the music machines and produce tracks that are retro-sounding and contemporary same time. As Nacho PatrolRead More →

A release from 1996 that feels like having baptised the Transmat sublabel – two fragile, extended sound excursions that hover between ambient and trance. In fact, it’s pure and deep chord-driven Detroit techno with dub motives, like we know from John Beltran or Aril Brikha. With only one difference: drumRead More →