Rating: 9/10 Det är lite konstigt that after a couple more or less experimental releases by Perispirit, Nova Scotian Arms and KPLR, Digitalis seems to have inaugurated a discodrome in Tulsa to welcome a special guest from Europe. Compared with aforementioned albums, “Muzika Electronic” sounds like a dance record. Almost,Read More →

Rating: 7/10 In March, Semantica’s constant flow of new releases continues with Architectural’s two-tracker. Unlike Developer’s “Trade Beliefs“, the single by Juan Rico refrains from dark drones and pounding loops while still addressing the floor.A-side’s crisp “Looking Ahead” is launched with growling bass and offers thriving arpeggios, but the sceneryRead More →

Rating: 8/10 The first challenge is linguistic: Zerkleinerungs-maschine is a shredder and Feindehnungsmeßgerät some sort of measuring device. So the titles promise serious German engineering that comes in a form of acid and distorted bass.The sleeve sports a writing “Robotron”, known as a computer brand in the German Democratic Republic, and the soundRead More →