303 Nation, the name is the program. Acid from the brotherhood of notorious Planet Core Productions (PCP), a stronghold of hardcore techno in the beginning of 1990’s. Based in Frankfurt, it united a swarm of labels run by Thorsten Lambart and Marc Acardipane, the latter being the artistic engine usingRead More →

Plant43 appeared on one of Semantica’s five year anniversary compilations and returns now with a four-track electro EP. Most of the new material exhibits the melodic and placid side of electro, starting with “Neon”, good for nocturnal downtown cruising in a light drizzle. “Stellar Nursery” embarks on a space missionRead More →

If a composition called “Rainbow Sequence” opens the album titled “Soft Terminal”, it heralds tranquilizing moments and coziness. Having heard only occasional samples from Panabrite’s previous work, the new album by Norm Chambers gives a clear proof of his craftsmanship and lets to perceive the lightness of the sound. EightRead More →

Legowelt’s recent stunt to offer free download of his album “Teac Life” seemed a compliment to his long-standing fans. It was as unexpected as was subsequent news of the same album being pressed on quadruple vinyl, seeming a silly kind of luxury after the content was, and still is, sharedRead More →