Devastated about Mika Vainio’s accidental passing at a too young age of 53. It goes without saying that his and Sähkö crew’s footprint in the electronic music has been immense. My first Mika Vainio experience was of mysterious kind. In the beginning of 1993, I was studying in Tartu, SouthernRead More →

Another gem has landed on Hard Beach Entertainment, with the label’s second EP from DJ SCSI who is making a leap from relative anonymity to deep appreciation in electro community. Initially regarded as ‘new’ artist, DJ SCSI actually debuted in 1997 for the Detroit label D-Bass but thereafter the aliasRead More →

Dating back to the early 1990’s, Planetary Assault Systems has been Luke Slater‘s project for functional tracks ever since. In “The Light Years Reworks” acclaimed techno troopers are overhauling several P.A.S. goodies from the past, the seminal “Planetary Funk” that appeared on Peacefrog from 1993 to 1999 being a centralRead More →

In recent years, Brokntoys has been a trusted platform for inspirational electro, often in its melodic form, and now the label expands the horizon with a techno-inclined offshoot called Eidetic. The sublabel’s first physically available release is the second by the catalogue numbers and comes from Russian producers Kovyazin D,Read More →

In its beginnings, Berceuse Heroique (BH) looked like an adolescent rebel aimed at shocking everyone around. In addition to sowing disorder with harsh, nonconformist sounds the London label was notorious for provocative visuals that went beyond any taste. Still it feels quite the same when – after a break sinceRead More →